Announcements since 28/07/2023
01/07/2024 Club Champs Update

Latest club championships standings after race 4 are now available

26/06/2024 5K Marshals Draw Winners

The draws for 5K marshals  for the free race places was made last night ( Tuesday 25 June).

The winners were

Sawtry 10 Laura Harwood

Fen 10       Chas Campen

Folksworth 15 ( 2 places)   Rachel Wisbey

                                             Ros Hamlyn


Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to all members who have volunteered to marshal our 5K event on 10th July.


Rod McDonald



20/06/2024 Werrington Closed 5 Results

The results can be found on the Senior Championships menu under Club Championships Race Results

19/06/2024 Werrington Joggers 5K Route - familiarise yourself with the new route

Next Tuesday club night (25 June) we are arranging a ''familiarisation run'' round the 5K route , which is a new route this year ( due to the closure of some of the bridges in Cuckoo Hollow) . So if you are marshalling the course on 10 July come and join us to get familiar with the route. 



19/06/2024 Marshals Draw for Free place in Sandringham 10K

The draw for 5K marshals  for the free place in the Sandringham 10K was made last night ( Tuesday 18 June).

The winner of the free place is Issy Thomson.

The draws for the other free places at Whitemoor 5m, Sawtry 10, Fen 10 and Folksworth 15 will be made next Tuesday ( 25 June). The draws are open to members who are marshalling the 5K on 10 July.

Deadline for entry in the draws is Sunday 23 June  - contact 

13/06/2024 Polka Dot Races

Note for potential competitors; the new Polka Dot Races at Ferry Meadows look great but as yet do not have a course measurement certificate, and as such, cannot be accepted for Records or Standards. I'm sure if they are successful and popular (and we hope they are) they will become measured and certified, but in the meantime, have fun !

13/06/2024 Club Championships

Latest standings in the Senior Club Championships are available.

30/05/2024 New Club Records

Congratulations on setting new club records at the 2024 Championship Mile Event last night;

Ann Wood - LV60 - 7:12:93

Gill Holmes - LV70 - 13:46:08

Mark Dujon - MV50 - 5:27:90

Jeremy Green - MV60 - 6:18:88

Jim Fell - MV75 - 8:14:47


All records relate to the age group on the date of the race, but members will have participated in races relating to their championship category, which is determined by their age on 1st Jan.

30/05/2024 Senior Mile - Race Results

The results for yesterdays Senior Mile race are now available here


30/05/2024 Werrington 3K/5K Marshals - how to volunteer / marshals draw for free race places

Dear members

Firstly a big thank you to members who have already volunteered to marshal our 3K/5K event on Wednesday 10 July - we have had a good response to date, but still need another 25 or so volunteers, so please sign up if you have not already done so. 

As an incentive to sign up I am arranging a draw  (for marshals only) for free places which I have secured for the following events:

Whitemoor 5m ( at March)                14 July (same date as Thurlby 10K ( CC))

Sawtry 10m                                       8 September

Sandringham 10K                             29 September (CC)  

Fen 10                                              27 October (CC)

Folksworth 15                                  19 January 2025   ( 2 places

So if you have already volunteered to marshal or will volunteer in response to this message and would like to be entered in the draw for any / all above events please let me know by

  •  emailing me at
  • adding your name to the lists I will be bringing to Tuesday club nights

Deadline for entering the draws is Tuesday 18 June , with the draws being made at club night on Tuesday 25 June.

This is only open to members who volunteer to marshal so please don't enter the draw/s if you are not planning to volunteer. 

Here is the original message from Shona and Terry regarding the event , and the link to register as a marshal: 

Werrington GP Series 10th July 3k and 5k – marshals needed.

We are hosting the GP series 3k and 5k on the 10th of July and are seeking marshals to be at the Werrington Sports Centre from 17:45 to assist with this important event for the club. Both routes are new this year due to traffic issues. There are a range of roles available at the start, finish and out on the course. You will be given a full briefing before on the night, and we will share a list of who is assigned to each marshal point in advance so that you can see where you will be. Family friends and family members are also very welcome as we need a similar number of marshals to previous years.

If you have a favourite spot or role, please let us know. As the routes are new you may be assigned to somewhere new. Also, if you would prefer to be in a pair or with someone else, do also respond on that basis. We will try to avoid putting people out on their own, but there are a couple of places where this may be necessary. We will check that you are happy and comfortable with that.

How to volunteer – please send your details to including your phone number. We are going to set up a temporary WhatsApp group for the evening which will be removed afterwards. This lets everyone know when the race has started and other bits of key information as the races progress.  Thanks!

We are looking forward to the event being a success for the club and we hope in advance that you enjoy the event too!

Looking forward to hearing from you.    Shona (Lead Marshal) and Terry (Race Director)


Posted by: Rod McDonald Chairman

27/03/2024 Winners of draw for free place at Eye 10K and Deeping 10K

The draw for the free place in Eye 10K and Deeping 10K was made at club night on Tuesday 26 March 2024.


The winners were 


Eye 10K    Paul Platten

Deeping 10K   Yvonne Scarrott


Thank you to all who entered the draws - I hope you will support these local events  even if you were not lucky in the draws.



25/03/2024 Club Championships

Club Championship standings following round 1 are now available.

19/03/2024 Draw for free place in Eye 10K and Deeping 10K

We have been given one free place in both the Eye 10K ( Sun 12 May 2024) and Deepings 10K ( Sunday 19 May 2024).

If you would like to be in the draw for either or both events, and haven't already put your name down, please let Rod McDonald know no later than Sunday 24 March.


The draw for both free places will be made at Tuesday clubnight 26 March 2024.

10/03/2024 Cambs Road League

Fixtures have been updated for the Cambs Road League 2024.

20/02/2024 Draw for free place in Thorney 10k

We have been given one free place for the Thorney 10K which takes place on Sunday 24 March 2024.


The draw for the free place will be made at club night on Tuesday 27 February: if you want to be in the draw and haven't already put your name down, please let Rod McDonald know no later than Monday 26 Feb. 

02/01/2024 New Club Record

Congratulations to Gillian Holmes in setting a new LV70 10k record in a time of 1:28:44 at the Ely 10k NYE race.

14/12/2023 19-12-2023 Christmas Run

Our last club night before  Christmas  is on Tuesday 19 December 2023 - come along for a festive easy run round Werrington - dress in any Christmas outfits you may have - hats, jumpers, full Santa suits - whatever - then join us in the pub after.

06/12/2023 2024 Stamford 30K draw

The draw for the free place in the Stamford Striders Valentines 30K on 11 Feb 2024 was made at the Christmas Buffet last night (Tues 5 December) .

There were 8 names in the hat and the 'lucky'  winner was Jeremy Green .

Congratulations Jeremy and good luck with the training.


Rod McDonald


06/12/2023 2024 London Marathon Draw

The draw for the place in the 2024 London Marathon was made at the Christmas Buffet last night ( Tues 5 December) .

There were 7 names in the hat, and the winner was Rob Graham.

Congratulations Rob, and good luck with the training.


Rod McDonald




28/11/2023 New Club Record

Congratulations to Gillian Holmes on setting a new club record;

  • FV70 10k in a time of 1:29:18


13/11/2023 New Club Records

Congratulations to Gillian Holmes on setting three new club records;

  • FV70 5k in a time of 39:37
  • FV70 Half Marathon in a time of 3:13:16
  • FV70 Marathon in a time of 6:52:58



01/11/2023 Folksworth 15 Draw - Winners

The draw for the two free places in next years Folksworth 15 was made at the Ploughman PH last night.

The two names drawn out the hat were:

Tristan Revell

Simon Gilbey


Congratulations to you both, and thanks to all who entered the draw - keep an eye out for further free place draws in the months to come. 


Rod McDonald


30/10/2023 Free place draw for Folksworth 15

The draw for the two free places in the Folksworth 15 will be made in the Ploughman PH on Tuesday 31 October after our run.

The draw is open to all members - if you want to be in the draw and have not already put your name down , please add your name to the list at announcements at 7pm on Tuesday 31 October. 


The Folksworth 15 will take place on Sunday 21 January 2024.  

30/10/2023 Club Championships 2023 - Final Standings

The Final Club Championship 2023 standings are now available on the club website and on the club noticeboard.


The Club Championship trophies will be presented at the Presentation Evening on Friday 5 January 2024

10/08/2023 Club Championships

The senior club championships results after round 5 are available.

02/08/2023 Marshals Draw Winner - Sawtry 10 mile

The 5K marshals draw for the free place in the Sawtry 10 mile race took place in the Ploughman PH last night.

The winner of the draw is Jim Fell - congratulations Jim. 


There will be another marshals draw coming up later in the year for two places in the Folksworth 15 next year - so if you marshalled the 5K let Rod McDonald know if you would like to be in that draw ( if you have not already done so).